Art + New Media
Donato Renzulli
Hi! I'm Donato.
Welcome to my documentation website for the Embodied Interaction course attended at Aalto University during Spring Semester 2023.
Embodied Interaction
Gesture Assignment
We have chosen to use the gesture of the snapping fingers. starting from an analysis of how fundamental for human evolution is the ability to oppose the thumb to the other fingers (opposable thumb), we imagined a digital service that uses the finger-knuckle as a method of authentication and simplification of digital processes that are still too slow and tedious like captcha code, terms and conditions papers, website log-in.
Final Project
The concept takes inspiration from the feeling I had the first time I tried skiing. It’s an interactive installation in which the viewer stands on a little steep platform in front of an abstract organic fluid tunnel. When tilting down, the impression will be the one falling faster into the tunnel. When moving left and right, the tunnel will follow in real-time the body movement. In order to get the experience more immersive, a wind sound will increase volume while the viewer is going faster and will move to left/right according to the position of the tunnel.

Main tools: Mediapipe, Touchdesigner, MaxMSP